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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Week 5 Assignments

Hey Girls!

I just want to get an early start on our week five module/assignments.

Collaborative Podcast:
So for our collaborative podcast, we each will create our own Audacity podcast. However, they should flow all together when Kelsey grades them- she'll make sure they sound like part 1, 2, and 3. So each of us should type up our script and post it on here so we can go off each other.

The point of the podcast is to tell parents and others what our PBL is and what we've done so far. Therefore, each of us should discuss the parts we've created. For example, I will discuss the safety in the kitchen lesson plan as well as the video on "Before we Bake." We need to decide (based on flow) who will go first, second, and third. Then we have to submit our podcast, titling it "Group One Podcast One/Two/Three).

I think for order, it would be best if I went first, then Anne, then Tracy. That way our collaboration will flow. It will go as follows...

Abbi's Podcast One: Discussing "Before we Bake" and "Safety in the Kitchen" Both of these are to be done before actually baking.

Anne's Podcast Two: Discusses reading the recipe and using measurements.

Tracy's Podcast Three: Discusses following up after the cookies are made.

I will work on mine very early in the week to provide Anne with my closure, so you can follow up to flow, same from Anne to Tracy.

Integrated Lesson Plan using Excel:

The first aspect, is someone needs to update our inspiration concept map. I'd be happy to do this, but I think it should (according to Kelsey's original description) be a new group member than the first time.

We then need to each create our second lesson using Taskstream and Excel. This lesson needs to incorporate the student's using Excel to collect data. Each of us need to decide how our students can collect data using our PBL and create a cooresponding lesson. I would like to do my lesson plan on accidents in the kitchen to reinforce safety. Anne, you may like to do a data collection regarding measurements; Tracy may like to do something on the selling of the cookies using money, etc.

Please post soon what you'd like to do your lesson on so we ensure that we have not only three different lessons, but that we all agree on the three we have as to produce a great PBL project!

I hope you girls had a great weekend!



  1. Abbi since I was absent last week I will be more than happy to update our inspiration map, I will be downloading inspiration tomorrow to start working on it, if there are any idea that you girls would like to make sure I incorporate just definitely let me know and I will incorporate it, and let me know exactly what you think she will be looking for to change.
    And yes I will definitely be part III for the podcast I posted my idea for my excel lesson let me know if you think that is a good idea or not, Thanks alot for being on top of things.

  2. Oops, I responded to the previous blog post before reading about the map, sounds good girl!
